To prepare gourd fritters, tender gourd chips dipped in rice batter are fried until they become golden brown. It is a tradition of Myanmar to eat bu-thee-gyaw together with lettuce
And a sauce made from tamarind pulp in which crushed chillies and garlic are mixed. A plate of bu-thee-gyaw with lettuce on the side, with a bowl of tamarind sauce to be taken with a
Cup of plain green tea is hardtop resist.
Bu-thee-gyaw is available anytime and almost everywhere in Myanmar. There is always and abundance of shops selling bu-thee-gyaw in the food stalls of any pagoda festivals throughout the country.
There are indeed many other snacks, namely has-nwin-ma-kin,mont-pyit-tha-let, omnt-lone-ye-baw,ye-mont,mont-his-gyaw,mont-kyawea-thea,etc. Each of theas snack ha its own unique taste.The reason why Myanmar snacks are widely known is simply because they
Are delicious and not too costly.
Gourd fitters (bu-thee-gyaw)<iframe src="" width="500" height="553" style="border:none;overflow:hidden" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="true" allow="autoplay; clipboard-write;...